Editorial Services
“When you rewrite, your main job is taking out all the things that are NOT the story… Once you know what the story is and get it right … it belongs to anyone who wants to read it, or criticise it.”
– Stephen King, On “Writing: A Memoir of the Craft” –

Editorial Services
From the text to the book. Isabella Corrado Literary Agency offers services for book care and more; it provides advice and services for book publishing, periodicals and for universities. The editorial projects are followed from the idea to the final drafting.
For information and estimates, please send an email to info@isabellacorrado.com, specifying the requested service in the subject line. The estimate is personalized.

A book editing, in every form, aims to improve the text: the editor works constantly with this goal. There are different types of editing, depending on the needs of the texts on which we work. In any case, for Isabella Corrado Literary Agency, work has an ethical value and it means respecting the style and potentialities of each single work. How? After a careful evaluation, the editor defines the necessary changes in an evaluation form, in which we recommend how and where to intervene to achieve the desired effects. After the authorization to intervene, our editors operate on the text at a formal level (style) or at a structural level (contents) or both, always respecting the choices of the author. This service is addressed to those who want to improve the structural and linguistic aspects of their texts in order to present them to publishers or for professional purposes.
On the basis of specific requirements, the editing operates in three ways:
- Formal editing
- Structural editing
- Co-editing(with the writer)
The first type includes reading, finishing and non-invasive formal correction. The second is a substantial intervention, which includes rewriting some parts of the text. The third type involves step by step coaching of the author in one of the two previous editing processes.

An incorrect and badly formatted text is not taken into consideration by a publishing house, the same way a candidate wearing a jacket full of holes is unattractive for a company. Proofreading is necessary to clean up the text and make it presentable. It is meticulous reading and correction, in which attention is focused on typos, wrong headlines, spelling uniformity, vocabulary accuracy, wrong tenses, complicated sentences, words out of context. Controls include apostrophes, uniformity of quotation marks and punctuation in dialogues, regulation of spaces before and after punctuation, double spaces, dashes, ellipses, accents, capital letters after full stops. In this phase the text will be adapted to a high editorial standard in general formatting.

Texts layout and e-book
To create a good layout, that respects editorial standards, it is fundamental to turn a draft into a book. The texts are organized using professional programs (QuarkXPress and InDesign). Initial and final pages, blank pages, footnotes, headers, indexes, fonts and interlines, cages and margins, are applied according to the genre and style manuals of the various publishing houses.
The publication, also in a digital format, allows the maximum diffusion of the work and practicality in transport. The service is aimed at those who want to convert their texts from paper to digital format.

Paratext writing
A paratext is the set of well-defined contour texts that a book needs to be presented to the public and to publishers to facilitate reading and understanding. Isabella Corrado Literary Agency offers a personalized service of paratext writing: preface, afterword, synopsis, interviews, back cover or front flap.

Professional translation
Translating involves different difficulties and competences, depending on the type of text (specialized, novel or scientific), the length and language needs. Isabella Corrado Literary Agency, considering these parameters, guarantees translations in the main European languages (English, French, Spanish, German, Russian), Arabic and Farsi.
The service is addressed to those who want to translate a book, essay, institutional speech, degree thesis, from/into another language. Price and delivery time are evaluated according to the text.

Ghost-writing and Biographies
This service is provided to those who want to write a text from scratch and do not know where to start. Some people have a lot of ideas, stories and experiences in his mind, but they don’t know how to put them into shape; they don’t know the right tools, or simply don’t have the time to devote themselves entirely to writing. The agency provides an editor who writes a commissioned book starting from the material given and guaranteeing respect of privacy. The service could be also used by those who need to write an essay, an institutional speech or other types of text.
Isabella Corrado Literary Agency offers a ghost-writing service with precise deadlines and a confidentiality guaranteed by signing an agreement that protects both parties.

Graduation thesis
Isabella Corrado Literary Agency makes its expertise available to students and universities, offering specific consultancy and publishing services. Degree theses are proofread and edited by professional editors. The aim of the editing process is to make the text pleasant and uniform (solving the sloppy, imprecise, badly constructed sentences), but above all grammatically correct. Depending on the needs, editing takes place in two ways: formal and substantial. The first type includes reading, finishing, non-invasive formal correction. The second type provides substantial intervention, with rewriting of some parts of the text.
Proofreading: correction of typos, wrong headlines, spelling uniformity, vocabulary control, uniformity of quotation marks, regulation of spaces, dashes, ellipsis, accents, and so on; adaptation to the drafting standards of individual universities; source checking and citations; bibliography.
Professional layout: fonts, footnotes, indexes, interlines and margins. In line with the university standards, the theses are organized using Microsoft Word or professional programs (QuarkXPress and InDesign).

With the emergence of social networks, movies dedicated to books have begun to spread and have become more and more successful. A book trailer is a short film lasting between 15 and 120 seconds, which tells the story of the book, presenting the characters, the strengths and the salient features. The book trailer has a significant visual and emotional impact, it is able to impress readers for the immediacy with which the message is transmitted. Moreover, due to its versatility, a booktrailer can easily be uploaded on the web or on social networks.
Contact Us
For any information, question or need you can contact us by filling out the form below with your name and surname, email address and reference area. We will reply as soon as possible.